Prowli botnet infects over 40,000 networked devices

Over recent months, Guardicore researchers have identified a cyber crime group they have called “Prowli”, who have been conducting a wide-ranging campaign using an array of techniques to infect more than 40,000 machines at 9,000 companies globally.

They have used various techniques like exploits and password brute-forcing to spread malware and take over devices, such as website content management systems (CMS), web servers, modems, and Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices.

Yet another cryptocurrency exchange is attacked

On Saturday, 9 June, Coinrail, a South Korean cryptocurrency exchange, announced that they had been the victim of a data breach, leading to the loss of an estimated $40 million in altcoins.

The attackers are believed to have stolen 1,927 ether, 2.6 billion NPXS, 93 million ATX and 831 million DENT coins, alongside significant amounts from six other tokens, representing 30% of Coinrail’s total coin and reserves. However, Coinrail claim that two thirds of the stolen coins have either been frozen or withdrawn so far, with further recovery action likely to happen.